Friday, December 18, 2009

What I'm planning to do over Christmas break...

What I will do over break…
My plans for out 17 or 18 day off break include enjoying some nice quality time with family. Since my Grandpa has just undergone knee surgery, we will most likely be spending most of our time taking care of him. (He is not the Grandpa that is messed up in the head.) Our Christmas Eve plans are staying home and sitting by the fire watching TV. Christmas Day we are going by our friends so we can have a nice peaceful diner, and so my Dad can talk to his friend about hood ornaments, and other car parts that the names escape me! Then me and my brother will if we have snow we will go sledding! Where we are going, my Dads friend has a few big hills we can sled down, but will we get snow! I want snow, but you all know we want as much snow as we can get! Even you Ms. McEwen!!! I don’t get it, why do some people hate snow!? Really, Why? I like snow, especially when I can take the snow blower and run through a huge pile of snow! Also I like putting the snow in the street, so when a car drives down the street, they will most likely slide around or get stuck! Sad for them but fun for me! Hopefully we will get a huge snowstorm so I can have that fun. If you read the Farmer’s Almanac on the internet, it will tell you how much snow is expected for that month or week. Check it out. They are calling for a near 1 foot amount of snow in January some time. Hopefully that will happen. But with our Michigan winters, you never know what will happen. And now with the Livonia budget cuts, snow plowing and salt trucks will not be out as much! I’m happy because then they might have to cancel school due to that. Let’s hope that happens. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Farmers Almanac Website link is above.


  1. A delightful read - sounds like the perfect way to spend a couple of weeks in the middle of Michigan's snow and cold. P.S. Remember to use paragraph breaks to avoid the dreaded BLOCK! TY

  2. Thanks!
    But we have not had any snow days yet, and we have started the month of January!
