Friday, December 18, 2009

What I'm planning to do over Christmas break...

What I will do over break…
My plans for out 17 or 18 day off break include enjoying some nice quality time with family. Since my Grandpa has just undergone knee surgery, we will most likely be spending most of our time taking care of him. (He is not the Grandpa that is messed up in the head.) Our Christmas Eve plans are staying home and sitting by the fire watching TV. Christmas Day we are going by our friends so we can have a nice peaceful diner, and so my Dad can talk to his friend about hood ornaments, and other car parts that the names escape me! Then me and my brother will if we have snow we will go sledding! Where we are going, my Dads friend has a few big hills we can sled down, but will we get snow! I want snow, but you all know we want as much snow as we can get! Even you Ms. McEwen!!! I don’t get it, why do some people hate snow!? Really, Why? I like snow, especially when I can take the snow blower and run through a huge pile of snow! Also I like putting the snow in the street, so when a car drives down the street, they will most likely slide around or get stuck! Sad for them but fun for me! Hopefully we will get a huge snowstorm so I can have that fun. If you read the Farmer’s Almanac on the internet, it will tell you how much snow is expected for that month or week. Check it out. They are calling for a near 1 foot amount of snow in January some time. Hopefully that will happen. But with our Michigan winters, you never know what will happen. And now with the Livonia budget cuts, snow plowing and salt trucks will not be out as much! I’m happy because then they might have to cancel school due to that. Let’s hope that happens. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Farmers Almanac Website link is above.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eva Juzswik

Stevenson High School

Eva The Protector Story

A story about my very little friend.

Jonathon Boyer


And special Thanks To:
Mom and Dad,
Aunt Jerry and Uncle John.
A story about Jonathon and Matthew Boyer, and the struggles with our Grandparents, and the life without Eva, our good friend.

My story is sad but true, many will not believe that some people are like this, but yes there are. -Jonathon Boyer

It started in March of 2008 when my Uncles dog Eva was born. She is a 6 and a half pound Dachshund puppy, who took a liking to me and my brother within the past year and a half. She would stay at my Grandparents house during the day when my Uncle Scott went to work at Macy’s (and a Antique Outlet Store). And let me tell you this, it’s not easy living over there. We live a block over from them, and every day after school we would get off the bus, Eva would be waiting for us at my Grandparents house, excited as can be. I would stay over there until my brother arrived, and then we would go home. Now doesn’t that sound nice? Well not exactly. I would go inside the house, greet Eva, and then listen to my Grandparents complain about how bad my parents are, not to mention criticizing me and my brother in the process. We only went over there because Eva was there. And she always wanted to come home with us. Things changed soon after…
About a month passed, and every day, when I would come home from school, it would be job after job. And they were jobs that were not even necessary. At times, they would not even let us come near Eva, work was more important. At times we would take Eva by our house, just to get her away from "Happy Land". We all loved Eva, and she loved us. Eva soon became accustomed to waiting for use every day, and she even knew the time the bus would arrive. Until my brother Matthew and I had gotten so tired of them, meaning the harm and the rude comments. So we left, and this is when we had to say goodbye to Eva, sadly, for good. We were going on a trip to Vermont, for a Classic Car Tour with some friends. And on the way there, my Dad asks us, “How has it been by your Grandparents House?” And that’s when we had to tell him we could not go over there anymore. And the only thing that we thought of the whole time was Eva. We loved Eva, we couldn’t just leave her, what should we do?
We thought about it during the whole tour in Vermont, and we made our decision. We would not be going to our Grandparents house anymore, and that meant no more Eva. Our Dad said, “You can go over there if you want, were not stopping you” So now, instead of going to Happy Land, we visit our Aunt Jerry and Uncle John. They see the best of us, and are always happy to see us. And even though we don’t see Eva anymore, we know she understands. Matthew and I love Eva, and we always will.
It’s going to be about 6 months now, since the last time we saw Eva. Now every day when we get off the bus, I look at her and she looks at me and we both understand why. I would love to see Eva again, but with me now in High School, I don’t want the thought of my Grandparents telling me “You’re going to be a loser” And now, when I get off the bus, Eva is not sitting in the driveway anymore, the house is all closed up. And I ask myself, “What is Eva doing right now” Because I’m not there to throw her toy, or spoil her as much as she pleases. Yes I miss her, but I have my family, and that’s all that really matters. I want to thank my Parents, and Aunt Jerry and Uncle John for all the help and support through this one wild adventure. Eva was our Hero at our Grandparents house, no matter what kind of day, Eva was always there to cheer us up!
Thank You All -Jonathon Boyer

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dear Santa...

Dear Santa,
This year has been busy for me! I started High School and it is a big change. Besides that I have not been a bad person this year.
School friends….
Well I met this kid 7th grade when I had just started Middle School. At first he was a real understanding person, but after a while his way of fun and my way of fun was totally different. He wanted to play his XBOX360, with some game that you kill people in order to get paid! And he thought that is what normal people do for fun. So I was nice and said “Maybe some other day.” So then I explained my way of fun. Talking to my best friend Harry Totten on the phone, mostly about school, and other random topics, about how much snow we will get and about the latest technology. But anyways, I told him about what I do for fun and he took it as some sort of offence! Don’t know why, he just did! He told me you should stop hanging around with that floozy kid Harry, and get into what the cool kids do! So I pretty much told him I do not care what he thinks and if he has things to say about my friends, keep them to himself. He did not talk to me after that until I started here at Stevenson this year! He called me up and wanted ME to apologize because I did not like his was of FUN! So I put him on my reject list on my phone and not 2 weeks passed by and he found my Skype name! And that just about set me off! Yet again he had to say something rude about Harry. He told me that “I have a new name for your so called friend, Floozy Armpit Harry!” He thought it was the greatest thing since the invention of electricity! I cannot say what I said to him but he has not called me in about 3 months now. I think he might be mad at me? What do you think? Harry soon found out and he was proud of me, and I was too!
Now let’s steer away from the bad and the ugly and read about now…
Yes I’m looking forward to Christmas and if I have any free time I could hang out with my best friend Harry, and see what is new in his life and mine! Thanks for reading!

The name of the kid I wrote about is not listed. Yes, it is based off a true story. If you want to know who he is, you will have to find out yourself! :)

You’re Friendly Writing Classmate!
Jon Boyer

Friday, December 4, 2009

Where in the world will you live?

Where will I live as soon as I get out of college.
My budget would be around $250,000- $300,000 for a house. I would like to be living in Livonia, or Dearborn Hights. An office Manager at entry wage makes around $47,000 per year, and each month you would be able to spend $3947 and thats money for heat, water, gas, & electric. After subtracting all the bills, I would not have much money to spend! I would also have to subtract car insurence and gas money for my car! When I think about it, life is not cheep!!! Now I am starting to understand why not many people drive new cars! A car payment can eat you alive! So I would have a pretty slim budget to walk on, so I would have to watch what I'm spending!