Friday, October 9, 2009

Me in Ten Years

Me in Ten Years
What would I be like in ten years? I think I have a good idea.
Hopefully in ten years I will be living on my own in my own house. I plan on having a career in architecture, or an interior designer for houses. Hopefully ranking at one of the most well known builders in the country. That means Higher Pay!!! My dream is to build my own house; here are some of my future ideas…
· Have a beautiful home with an elegant foyer. For example… To have a replica of the Titanic’s Grand Staircase that will be two stories high. Going from the second story to the basement.
On the other hand my way of transportation would have to be a new Lincoln Navigator. How am I going to pay for all this? Well I plan to open my own business. We would do renovations, new construction, and Hotel construction. I don’t know if I will move out of the state, it all depends what state is doing well. Later on in the ten to fifteen year period, I hope to start my own group of classic cars of my own. Some cars on my list would be...
A 1955 Ford Crown Vic
A 1956 Ford Sunliner convertible
1957 & a 1959 Ford skyliner XL500
And yes, I have to have some more!
1958 Plymouth Sport Fury
1957 Chevy Bel Air convertible
1965-1967 Shelby GT350 or GT500
But I need a classic, a 1910 Ford Model T touring (Canadian Version)
Where am I going to store all of these cars. Hopefully I can build an underground garage under my house. That way my cars can't get stollen, my Bedroom will be overlooking the cars!

Cars have always played a major role in my life. My Grandpa is a car collector, see the front page of my blog and you will see what I mean. He has been collecting and restoring cars since before 1960! His first personal car restoration project started in January of 1960. When he found a rotted out, block of rust 1910 Ford Model T. And yes, this is the same car that is on the title heading of my blog! The car was a mess! Thats why my Grandpa has such beutiful cars, he takes his time and does things the right way! The Model T had her first debut at the Old Car Festival in 1971, 11 years after he found her. He showed the car and drove it all over the place, and even participated in long range driving tours. Then in 2002, my Grandpa thought he would restore the car again, and this time as a full blown show masterpiece. The car showed off her new restoration, the way she looked when she was born in the factory. The first show was at the 2003 Meadobrook Concorse D"Elegance. And our luck, the car had gotten drenched. And this car is pretty much all brass. So when brass get's wet, it tarnishes. And right as it started to rain, we were called up to get our award. My Dad started the car, using the crank, no starter moters. The grass had turned to mud, and the car has bald white tires, no tred, just smooth white tire. As we approached the judges stand, we had to go up a fairly steep hill, which was mud. My Grandpa and my Mom looked at eachother, and they slowly drove the car up the mud hill. As the tires slipped, the car pressed on. By the time the car reached the top of the hill, the tires were brown, and the underside of the car was filthy. But the car still won the award, and even if the car got rained on, it still won. It won the full 100 points, and to this day she has won all she can win. I hope I can be just like my Grandpa one day, a Car Guy!!!
This is who I want to be in ten years! I enjoy riding in classic cars, and I plan to have some of my own on day, so Me, my Dad, and My Grandpa can show off our wonderfull masterpieces!
Thanks for reading!!!


  1. i like the ideas but the titanic grand stair case was like a peace of art you can't just recreat it

  2. Thanks! But hopefully by then I will have the money to have a professional wood artist re-create it for me. Cleaning wise, I would have to hire someone to do that! Cleaning it would be a 24/7 job! I will post a pic of it!

  3. I really like how your dream is to build your own house. its a really nice dream
