Friday, October 30, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to all!
My plans for this years Halloween night simply includes staying home and watching scary movies. My brother is going trick-or-treating once again, but not me! I figure I'm to old to go out now and I probably will not get much candy! My most favorite Halloween costume would have to be when I was 3 years old, and I dressed up as a Red M & M! I was so small and the costume made me look HUGE!!! That was the year I had most likely had brought home about 2lbs of candy! My favorite Halloween candy would have to be Candy Corn or Large Hershey Bars. Twislers are good to but they get stuck in my braces. My history of Halloween was already briefly explained, but I can still say more of my past experiences.

From about 2001-2004, me, my brother Matthew, and my cousins Brett and Paige went together. Brett would usually go with his friends, so would Paige. But most of the time we would keep up with them. My Parents, sometimes my Grandma, but mostly my Aunt Holly would walk along the sidewalk while we had our fun. We would get to my Aunts house early so we could get a head start. We would start around 6:30pm, and run until 10:00pm! Talk about a workout! After we finished, (Mostly because we were to tired.) we would combine all our candy into one big pile, then the candy that we did not like someone else could have it! Most of the time we got all the candy we hoped for!

Moving on to my favorite Scary Movies. Well that is pretty easy to figure out because I'm not a huge fan of Scary Movies. But I guess I could share some of my favorites with you!
My number one classic Halloween movie is...
Halloween(With Michael Myers) That movie freaks me out! Especially when I watch it with my Dad or even worse my Grandpa! I say that because right when something bad is going to happen, one of them will yell something out real loud, and I just about go through the roof!!! Most of the time it is my Grandpa. The one thing that freaked me out in that movie is his mask. It's pale white and those who have not seen it before might think it's not scary, once you see it, you'll feel the same! But now back to my favorite Halloween Movies...
My close second would have to be...
Night Of The Living Dead. Not the old version from 1968, the newer one from 1990! The color version. That one is much more realistic looking but some parts of the movie I still to this day do not understand. Some Zombies do not look real. Because they look like they are made of a rubber elastic material. Like how did the Zombies come BACK TO LIFE! Could that happen? And how were they so strong to the point where they could break through a window, and how they can climb up the side of a house. Most of the movie does not make any sense, how did they get out of their crypts? Many had just died and they looked like they have been dead for years. Like Some have been dead for 50 some years, their bones and muscles would have been useless or even gone! Even more, why wasn't the Navy or the Military called in to solve that MINOR problem! All they could have said was "Military, we have a slight problem, we have Zombies that have come back to life! We need Help!!!" I would say that movie is nothing but cornie make believe junk!
My third and final scary movie would have to be Paranormal Activity. The movie is currently in theaters and I want to go see it, but not alone! I'm the type of person that believes that ghosts are real. Why? Well thats because I took a trip with my Mom, Dad, and my Brother Matthew to the Moundsville State Pennitentary in Moundsville West Virginia. That place is downright scary. We had arrived for the final tour at 4:00pm, and while on the tour the Pennitentary seemed very cold and dark. And it was 86 degrees outside and the Pennitentary had no air conditioning. We had arrived at the Dining Hall and while our tour guide explained where we were, we all heard a mysterious knocking sound. As if someone was tapping on the door or ceiling! All the tables in the Dining Hall had been removed when the Prison closed in 1995. It opened in 1876 and closed in 1995. Though it sounded like some inmate was tapping on something. As we continued our tour, we arrived to the cell block. Though there are many in the Prison, we were in the one by the courtyard. The cell blocks rose to about 3 to 4 levels, each on top of each other. I stepped into one of the cells with my brother and the tour guide through the switch and the cold iron door closed. The sound of the closing doors was just terrifying, all you heard was a loud horn and within 5 seconds their was a loud slam! The cell doors were closed, and there was no way out. After we were let out, our tour was pretty much over, but there were a few more stops along the tour. Our next stop was at the Wagon Gate, a place where many inmates were killed from when the Prison opened to about 1959. They were hung. Well over 50 inmates were killed their in the Wagon Gate. Their were 2 riots during the life in the Prison, one in 1973 and another in 1986. Escapes were also a problem, there were 3 Escape plans twice in 1988 and once in 1992. The West Virginia Department of Corrections closed the Prison in 1995 because they thought that Prison inmates were being treated horrifically. Do you think the Prison should have been closed? But the sound of the cell doors slamming, not to mention you can shake the door side to side, that also makes a loud banging sound. Our tour guide told us about how people died horrific deaths their. She even told us how she does not like to go back and turn off the lights by herself, she said she can here the footsteps and voices of inmates walking back to their cells. Some were boiled in pots, some murdered in there cell. The souls of the inmates never left the Pennitentary, they are still serving their time behind the walls. When I got home the next day, I did some research on the Prison, and the cell I stood in with my brother, was the same cell an inmate was killed in. If you don't believe in ghosts, Moundsville Pennitentary will change your mind.
That"s pretty much it. Hope everyone has an awesome Halloween!! Thanks for reading!
Happy Halloween!!!!!!
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