Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Fantasy School.

My Dream School

OK, well that would be really cool to have. Here within the next few paragraphs, I will explain to you about my dream school.

Well, the first change would be for all students to be able to choose the classes that they want. For example, if a student didn't want Gym, that student would not have to take Gym. But the student would have to have their core classes. So you ask, "So what will the new school look like?" Well, I'll tell you...

My school would have a number of rail cars that would take students to their classes, reducing the amount of confusion in the halls. Many people might worry about students getting run over by a rail car. Well, no need to worry, rail cars will be controlled by a staff member's computer. Preferably, the Principal's or the Custodian's. One car would be on each hall, and they would all be parked in their halls at the end of the day.
A second change would be to change the desk arrangement, or, to lay out the classrooms as like a college classroom. The seats will be arranged as if you were in a movie theatre, with the classroom doors at the top of the isle way. That way you can have more students. Then in front of the room on the wall will be a nice Big TV screen so teachers can present notes, videos, staff announcements, news headlines, and much more.
At the start of our day we will get a 10 minute time to watch the news and write about it. Juniors and Seniors will get weather and traffic news. And we won't forget the bikers who ride their bikes to school. Many students worry about their bike getting wet if it rains during the school day. Well, not anymore!!! Now bikers will have a private garage so their bikes are protected from the elements. "Can my bike get stolen?" No! Your ID card and student password will open the door to the bike house. "What if I forget my code or my ID card?" Well, you can go to the main office and retrieve your code and password.

Shorter classes would be nice too. Many of us would like shorter classes. The problem with that would be that we would not have enough time to complete the lesson in each class. Another change would be the strength of the homework, and I say that in a very encouraging way. To make matters short, do your work, but should the teachers be less strict about homework? Should they give us students more time? You decide!

To end my comments I would like to mention that I would put in bigger lockers and a bigger school store so students could buy lots of things and have a place to put stuff. Another change would be to have a coat-rack in the lockers so after you go to the school store you don't have to set your coat or jacket down in the bottom of your locker.

So do you think my changes are good?

Thanks for reading!

-Boyer's World CEO

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